Green Man Park is a community-driven project that reclaimed a vacant lot to celebrate the neighborhood's commitment to sustainability.
Lisa K. Bambach © 2017
Close-up of the Green Man Park landmark sign.
Lisa K. Bambach © 2017
Carved by David Hummel, a German Stonecutter who founded Hummel Industries, this nine-foot tall, hand-carved limestone face cast his gaze toward Peeble’s Corner in the middle of the Walnut Hills business district for 100 years.
The Green Man statue, a symbol of renewal, is the centerpiece of the park.
Lisa K. Bambach © 2017
The City of Cincinnati provided cast iron poles from its storage yard to be refurbished as signage elements.
Lisa K. Bambach © 2017
The construction of Green Man Park was truly a community collaboration. Volunteers laid pavers, University of Cincinnati students designed native landscaping, and the City of Cincinnati designed the park layout, signage, and donated materials.
Lisa K. Bambach © 2017
This park reunited the Green Man with the Walnut Hills community on the block he presided over for a century. He exemplifies the community’s mission of inspiration, rebirth and regeneration while maintaining the cultural diversity that is a significant part of their history.
The Walnut Hills community hosted a celebratory ribbon cutting ceremony to officially open the park to the public.
Lisa K. Bambach © 2017
Volunteers, donors, and politicians pivotal in the creation of Green Man Park processed in to welcome the community to the new park.
Lisa K. Bambach © 2017

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